Thursday 27 January 2011

Introduction to COMPUTERS!

My intention is simply to close the gap and bring you up to speed about Technology and more so Computers, if you study computer related course or you just love computers lets enjoy this blog together and at the same time learn. Before you continue answer this question: "What is a computer?"

I am gonna bring you to speed in a very simple manner, few minutes of your time and you will be smilling after going through my notes. My approach in this Introduction is basic and is targeting those who don't have knowledge of computers!

A computer is an electronic device that comprises different components, it is used to store and process data. One component is not a computer, lets make an example by taking a soccer team, or any other team for that matter, I cannot pick one player and say HE/SHE is a team.  A team is made out of a number of players. In the same way computer is made out of a number of different components.

The basic components are Display/Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard & the Case. Let me clarify the issue of the Case as many might be confused by the term. The box that all components are attached to is what i am refering to. In that box a motherboard is in there, the CPU (Central Processing Unit) is in there and many other parts. so people also refer to it by its contents, more so the two main ones (the motherboard/CPU). So don't get confused when one says a Motherboard or CPU. The other thing is the shape, the case comes in different shapes, FLAT, TOWER, etc. tower most common, people also call it THE TOWER.

The are different types of computers, you have the small ones, palmtops, notebooks, etc. you have the Desktops, The Mainframes, etc. this will be topic on its own.
The other components that makes a computer are optional, meaning you can function without them but if you have them the better. Components like Printer, Plotter, Scanner, Speakers, Joystick, Webcam, etc. are some of the optional component and make the job much easier and entertainment more spectecular. You have seen all or some of this component somewhere in an office, home even on TV or Magazine. All of them are called HARDWARE (parts of a computer that you can touch and see).


Think of a traffic officer at the junction, he/she controls and directs traffic, which cars should pass and which ones should stop, the CPU functions in a similar way, you play music, type, download, etc. multitasking! the CPU processes all that you do, (it is the brain of the computer) some components send information into the CPU and some gets information from the CPU. When you type on the keyboard, what you are typing goes to the CPU to be processed the the Monitor gets it from the CPU to display.
Keyboard inputs information so it is called an INPUT, Monitor gets info from the CPU to display so it is called  an OUTPUT.

INPUTS are components tha send info to the Processor like Keyboard, mouse, Joystic, Scanner, etc. and OUTPUTS gets info from the processor, eg Monitor, Printer, etc.  There are other components like modems that serves as both Input and Output.

The inputs and outputs (components) are joined to the motherboard via different PORTS, (holes and pins you see at the back of your case are example of ports). We have different ports with different shapes and functions; parallel, serial, ps2, USB, etc. After joining the components together and have what is probably in front of you now, but it cannot function before Software is installed (Software cannot be touched or be seen). We have a memory called ROM, which is installed during manufacturing but it doesn't mean it will make the computer to function, we need what is called OPERATING/SYSTEM Software.

System Software is a software that is needed for different component to communicate, a basic software for computer to function. Examples are Windows XP, Window 7, etc. and the free ones (OPEN SOFTWARE) like UBUNTU Life, there are quite many. You install this software from a CD, a Network or any of the many different ways,  but this is still not the end, you can only do as little if you have only Operating System.
Now you will need APPLICATION Software, this is a software developed specifically to perform a certain task. eg MS WORD (for word processing) MS Powerpoint (presentations), etc. and except this you have software for music, gaming, etc. After installing the needed Application Software then you start enjoying your games, typing your letters, etc. We also have Open Office which if freeeee! If you dont have money just install Open software, it will take few days for you to familirize yourself with it but ones you get it you will enjoy. Till next lesson, I believe you now can answer: "What is a computer?"

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Closing the gap!

The IT Corner is also one of the new blogs specifically for Information Technology. Not for the experts but for everyone. It is a platform where more information will be available to help close the gap between the those who are experts and the technologically challenged. Issues from End User computing to Troubleshooting or Networking will be discussed. I encourage you to join us in this journey of learning and educating. Watch the Space and Pass the message.